Firearms Insurance Agent Blog

The Firearms Insurance Specialists

Firearms Are Part of America’s Fabric

Whether or not you choose to admit it, America is a gun country, but that’s not a bad thing. Despite what you may see on TV or hear on the radio during news programs, guns in America are as natural as the sea breeze or the wind on a mountaintop somewhere in the Adirondacks. Why […]

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Protect Your Business with The Right Insurance!

When starting a business, one of the most confusing decisions you have to make is what insurance to get for your employees. There are so many options that it’s hard to really pick just one that fits your company the best. This especially holds true for companies that specialize in Firearms and Ammunition considering the […]

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The right to bear arms is part of the foundation our great nation was built on. This important right is guaranteed by the 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights, and there is a strong argument to be made that the 2nd amendment is what made the entire United States Constitution possible. While the first […]

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The World’s First Fake Rifle Really Works!

3D printing is taking the world by storm. This technology allows you to literally create anything you can think of, limiting the need for assembly lines. A man in Canada put the3D printer to the ultimate test, making and testing the world’s first 3D-printed rifle. The creator’s first attempt cracked in half after the first […]

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Gun Crimes Plummet Even As Gun Sales Rise

It almost seems like a contradiction in terms! However, the truth speaks for itself when you see the actual statistics. The amount of homicides with firearms has dropped a staggering 39%, and other crimes with firearms have dropped a whopping 69%. While many political parties would have you believe otherwise, the truth is that gun […]

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56% of People Think Gun Violence Increased When It Actually Dropped

One of the biggest problems with the view on firearms today is the fact that people simply will not listen to facts, or they’re misinformed. A recent report from USA TODAY states that 56% of most Americans think that there has been an increase in gun crime, despite the consistent gun violence decline. Gun crimes […]

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The Risks of Being a Business in the Firearms Industry

June 12th, 2014 Doing business in the firearms industry brings with it some risks, as the government has been paying extra special attention to gun retailers, banks and such in recent times. Lately, some companies have seen their assets frozen, lines of credit cut, and prohibition of online sales, thanks to the Feds being in […]

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