Firearms Insurance Agent Blog

The Firearms Insurance Specialists

Posts In Category "Business Insurance"

Top Insurance Mistakes Firearms Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them

Rifles sitting on table at firearm store

Running a firearms business can sometimes be very complicated, especially when it comes to insurance coverage. Unfortunately, many firearms businesses fall victim to common insurance pitfalls that can lead to costly mistakes. Here, we outline these common mistakes and provide practical advice on how to avoid them. Additionally, we explain how Firearms Insurance Agent Insurance […]

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Legal Update: Recent Changes in Firearms Regulations and Their Impact on Business Insurance

21 Mar 2024 | Under Business Insurance, Gun News | Posted by | 0 Comments |
Beretta pistol with bullet magazine

The firearms industry is subject to stringent and ever-evolving regulations. Recent changes in firearms laws at both federal and state levels can significantly impact your business operations and insurance requirements. As a firearms business owner, it’s crucial to stay informed about these legal updates to ensure compliance and maintain adequate insurance coverage. Key Regulatory Changes […]

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Three Reasons to Have Comprehensive Business Insurance

two people discussing insurance

Since business owners have so much at stake in their company, it’s only logical they do whatever they can to protect their organization. Comprehensive business insurance is one way owners can safeguard their companies. Let’s take a look at three reasons business owners should have wide-ranging insurance plans in place. Unforeseen Accidents God forbid it […]

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Why Gun Ranges Need to Have the Right Insurance Plans in Place

14 Jul 2022 | Under Business Insurance | Posted by | 0 Comments |

Most gun range owners go to great lengths to make their facilities as safe as possible. They hang up signs warning customers about staying safe at all times, install fire extinguishers for unforeseen incidents, and speak at length to those who come through their doors about keeping an eye and ear out for trouble. However, […]

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Questions to Ask When Renewing Your Business Insurance

older couple shaking hands with professional

Business insurance should evolve to meet your needs. That’s what makes the business insurance renewal period such a great opportunity to reassess your insurance needs. So, when it’s time to renew your business insurance, ask yourself the following questions: Have you moved? Did your business move to a new space, town, or even state? Then […]

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Understanding Specialized Commercial Insurance For Firearm Businesses

insurance agent and client shaking hands over table

Some commercial insurance companies offer specialized packages for various businesses as well as coverage for special risks. This is a guarantee of protection in the event of certain circumstances; the insurance company would reimburse the company and the customer. Why Do You Need This? If your business faces special risks that aren’t typical for a […]

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What Does Business Insurance Cover?

Business man standing under roof during storm

Many business owners labor over the idea of getting business insurance, often feeling the expenses are too burdensome. But those who feel that way should rethink their decision and make having insurance an integral item in every budget. Business insurance is more than a luxury, it’s a necessity that can protect your business. Below are […]

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4 Workplace Safety Tips for Firearm Retailers

4 Workplace Safety Tips for Firearm Retailers

Workplace safety is a top priority for all employers, but especially for firearm retailers. After all, firearms are weapons, and they bring with them their own risks. As such, firearm retailers need to create a safe workplace environment not only for their employees, but for their customers as well. Administer firearm safety training Whether you […]

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Additional Insured vs. Loss Payee

Additional Insured vs. Loss Payee

With many business insurance policies, there are additional insureds and loss payees. Both are third parties (either individuals or business entities) that can collect benefits from a policy, but what exactly is the difference between the two? Here we lay out everything you need to know about additional insureds and loss payees. Additional Insureds An […]

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How to Keep Business Insurance Rates Low

How to Keep Business Insurance Rates Low

Keeping high quality business insurance is imperative to ensuring you’re covered in case of theft, injury, and more. However, having good business insurance doesn’t always mean paying huge premiums. There are a number of ways you can keep your expenses low but your business covered. Have a safety plan One important key is to have […]

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