The World’s First Fake Rifle Really Works!
3D printing is taking the world by storm. This technology allows you to literally create anything you can think of, limiting the need for assembly lines. A man in Canada put the3D printer to the ultimate test, making and testing the world’s first 3D-printed rifle. The creator’s first attempt cracked in half after the first shot, but his second attempt has now fired up to fourteen rounds.
The accessibility of such a creation has obvious interested parties roaring with debate. There is no waiting period or gun check protocol for someone that can actually design and manufacture their own weapon.
As online blueprints for 3D-printed weapons become more and more available, the gun debate has seemingly begun all over again. What rights can be associated with weapons that don’t meet the general criteria for current legislation? In the near future near legislation could be drafted to account for these types of weapons.
- – How is a weapon like this 3D-printed rifle even classified?
- – Can the blueprints be regulated or even sold?
- – Will the sale of 3D printers be monitored?
In the very near future the way that guns are sold, tracked, and sold could likely change. It stands to reason that the technology will inevitably progress to the point where the current fragile limitations of 3D-printed weapons will be left behind, but it will certainly be interesting to track.
Tags: Firearms Insurance Specialists, Firearms Liability Insurance Agency, Information about 3-D Guns, The Future of 3-D guns
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